March 18, 2002

Minor site updates

This evening the left navigation bars have changed. They have moved to left aligned and to a fixed font size (I am not a great fan of fixed font size, but there are a few exeptions to that rule here). The home page was modified (more change is coming to the homepage). I have also modified the orange color in the H2 headers so that there is greater contrast with the navy background. Also in the works is a comment system, which should debut in the next day or so. I am getting closer with the comments. Had I not got a flat on my way home this evening I think I would have knocked them out completely.

Posted Comments

There are more changes on their way. This is a test of the comments.

Peacefully resist the bad code.



There are more changes on their way. This is a test of the comments.

This could be a final test.

This may be a final test.

Web Mentions

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