Room to Stretch for Thomas Vander Wal


The web home of Thomas Vander Wal. Many come here to visit "Off the Top", a blog that notes changes to in the web design and web development world as well as Thomas Vander Wal's random observations on life and technology (and possible rants).

The purpose of this site has been to welcome friends and let them know what I am doing and thinking (found in Off the Top). The site has also led to many new friends and has been a joy to share thoughts with others since 2000 (and as an extension of previous incarnations going back to 1995). The site is changes and iterates over time.

Other Writing

A "Selection of original poetry" is posted with a few pieces from a collection of Thomas' over 100 pieces. There is nothing recent posted there, but they still may be new to you.

Thomas has been working on the Model of Attraction, Personal InfoCloud, Come to Me Web, and Folksonomy and has resources related to the development, writing, and presenting of these works. The Personal InfoCloud, Come to Me Web, and folksonomy all came out of the thinking and working with the Model of Attraction.

The about page has more information about this site and Thomas Vander Wal. If you are looking for Thomas' professional life, for now look to Personal InfoCloud and LinkedIn, until the next step is public.

Quickly About Thomas Vander Wal

Thomas Vander Wal has a lot of interests with quite a few with serious depth - a longer about is found here in this site's about page. A some of the places Thomas shares what is on his mind or has captured digitally are found in the next section.

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